Dwaling/ Ihare mâ
Theatre / St Andrew's Hall

Dwaling/Ihare mâ explores the aftermath of the Nama Genocide inflicted by German forces on Nama People in the 1900’s. As the curtains rise, we find Ouma and her community grappling with the aftermath of the genocide. Forced to leave their ancestral lands in Namibia, they arrive in The Richtersveld, a region already inhabited by fellow Nama people. Ouma becomes a symbol of resilience, embodying the indomitable spirit of her people despite the immense challenges they face. The narrative weaves through Ouma's memories, dreams, and encounters with fellow survivors as they navigate the complexities of rebuilding their lives. Leaving the audience with a poignant question, "If we lose our LAND, then WHAT?" the play challenges us to confront the implications of sacrificing our ancestral roots and raises awareness about the irreplaceable value of land in shaping identity and providing a sense of belonging.

Production Credits

DIRECTOR: Geralt Cloete



Anthea Mouers

Luzaan Zandi

STAGE MANAGER: Irvin Cloete 



Janica Bezuidenhout 

Jayden Cloete

Jody-Ann Cloete

Liza-Marie De Waal

Diansca Obies

Laverne Slander

About the Artists


Geralt Cloete is a dynamic Director, Performer, Scriptwriter, and Applied Theatre Practitioner, renowned for his transformative work as the founder and director of Nama Khoi Productions. Holding a Master’s in Dramatic Arts and an Honours in Applied Drama from the University of the Witwatersrand, Geralt's creative vision is deeply rooted in the exploration of Home and Belonging. His passion for uplifting youth is evident in his approach as a theatre-maker, where he skilfully empowers young voices, providing them with a platform for expression and dialogue through the powerful medium of drama.

  • Venue: St Andrew's Hall
  • Location: St Andrew's College
  • Ticket price: ZAR 75.00
  • Programme type: The Fringe
  • Genre: Theatre
  • Duration: 60 min
  • Ages: ALL AGES
    • Suitable for All Ages

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