Makhanda's beloved Community choir, returns to the National Arts Festival with a concert repertoire that seeks to speak to the othering of our human expeirence. The places "there", in the deep shadows of of livid expeirences, forgotten, lost and alone, yet places that guide and lead us in a very real way towards are better selves. The offering, pays gratitute to memories that seek to be forgotten, to feelings, which want to run away, and to truths easier ignored. This promises to be a transportive jouney in song to our depths of emotions, memories and hopes.
Audiences can expect to be captivated by a truly international set list rooted and nestled within South African compositions. From the diaspora composer Sydney Guillaume of Haiti, lamenting his ancestral home in Mama Afrika, to legendary Brenda Fassie's famous tribute to the often dangeours experience of the early apartheid black mothers in Too late for Mama, and the dignfied call to a Proud Azania is Joburg Based Sabelo Mthembu's Alleluia Azania to Christo Jankowitz's call to his higher power's "Leer my heer".
This concert will take you on a journey into part of our inner selves, left behind or fogotten and will leave your soul - enriched and nourished
- Venue: Amazwi
- Location: Amazwi South African Museuem of Literature
- Ticket price: ZAR 100.00
- Programme type: The Fringe
- Genre: Music
- Duration: 70 minutes
- Suitable for All Ages
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