The Black Power Station

Born and bred in Nyanga, Cape Town's second oldest township, iNdlulamthi is reflects the positive and upright side of the township once rated as the murder capital of the country. iNdlulamthi's music or rather Arts as prefers to refer to it, is a window opened to the world allowing the audience to experience daily life in Nyanga.
iNdlulamthi: 1manJIVE show is an insightful storytelling musical that will take you back to the first classics like isiQhamo, Andivoti, Winnie, Gun dubula as well as to new songs like Bawo Baxolele, uJudas and iNyanga which is written in dedication to our beautiful mother in Arts uMama Busi Mhlongo.
- Venue: The Black Power Station
- Location: The Old Power Station
- Ticket price: ZAR 100.00
- Programme type: The Fringe
- Genre: Music
- Duration: 1 hour
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