It is about a jealous family that is making use of witchcraft to get rid of the remaining daughter of the family. Jealousy is playing a very big role in this regard so much so that a mother ends up sacrificing her own son's life, just to reverse the spell she placed on he's girlfriend.
Production Credits
Elcardo Chulu - Director
Lu Erwin De Bruin - Thabo ( Actor )
Nkosana Maduna - Actor ( dancer )
Julia Mabilo - Actress
Desmonia Leatisha Goliath - Actress
Eunice Ntsulela - Stage design
About the Artists
Elcardo Chulu Director and playwright has staged plays such as Silence in the Dark in Ghana hosted by Heritage of Africa and received an honorary award in theatre. Also won best stage production at the Northern Cape awards for a production titled Desperate.
- Venue: City Hall
- Location: Grahamstown City Hall
- Ticket price: ZAR 50.00
- Programme type: The Fringe
- Genre: Theatre
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Suitable for All Ages
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